Legal Report, December 6, 2011:


First Hearings


DS 2011-085 by Dan Johnson, Swim Incorporated.

Question #1 - Does a pool contractor achieve compliance with NSPI-5 and R4101.6.3 by applying the design flow rate when specifying pipe sizes?

Answer: As per the project in question, the answer is “yes”.


Question #2Does a pool contractor achieve compliance with ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 by applying the maximum design flow rate when specifying swimming pool filtration pipe sizes, where the maximum design flow rate is the greater of the calculated 6-hour turnover flow rate or the optional auxiliary feature (spa) with the highest design flow requirements if operated by the circulations pump?

Answer: As per the project in question, the answer is “yes”.


Question #3 – Does a pool contractor achieve compliance with ANSI/APSP-7 by applying the maximum operational flow rate when specifying suction pipe sizes.

Answer:  As per the project in question, the answer is “yes”.